Zeolite Detoxification mineral is formed, when hot lava comes into contact with salty-alkaline water. Clinoptilolite is the crystalline, extremely porous variant, even though it still has a strong cage-shaped honeycomb structure. This is the only variant for human consumption. The detoxification properties were discovered about 250 years ago. Zeolite fragments are negatively charged and therefore attract other - positively charged - molecules attracted and are "docked" into the structure.
How does Zeolite Detoxification Mineral benefit You?
Zeolite Detoxification Mineral attracts all kinds of toxins: heavy metals, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, which may occur in your body cells, tissues and organs. These harmful chemicals are flushed out of Your body, so Your body is freed from this "waste" and thus no longer hinders the normal functioning of cells and organs.
Also, the pH-value of Your body is improved. After an initial period, in which the heavy metals present in Your body have been removed, most people start to report a sense of increased energy, clarity and vitality.
How do You use Zeolite Detoxification Mineral?
Add a teaspoon of zeolite to a ~300ml glass of water. Stir firmly until it is completely dissolved. Drink it immediately, and then followup with at least another half glass of water; in the morning before breakfast or after a (too) heavy meal. Mixed with water, it is also used externally to treat an itchy skin.
Now provide Your Zeolite Detoxification Mineral and help them naturally free their Body of harmful substances such as heavy metals, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.